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NEWS: London’s Nightlife is for the Def AND the Deaf

17 Jun

London’s nightlife has finally expanded to serve the deaf community in the Capital: A new bar has opened on Seven Sisters Road in Tottenham, North London, specifically designed for the hearing impaired to enjoy socialising with their peers.

Called ‘The Deaf Lounge’, the venture is the brainchild of two young men who felt their needs as deaf people were not being served by the Capital’s ever-expanding nightlife. This new bar employs staff to use sign language and features a vibration-driven sound system to enable their clientele to experience the music being played.

You can read more about the venue and its founders here; in an article from The Enfield Independent newspaper, which is where I initially discovered the story.

As someone who is deaf in one ear and therefore able to hear normally via a remaining healthy eardrum, I have never been deprived of London’s full leisure and social options. I know that I am exceptionally lucky to be able to live a life free from the barriers and obstacles often presented to those who are severely deaf or hearing impaired.

We should all support community projects and new enterprises aimed at making London more inclusive, versatile and exciting for ALL groups of people. A disability shouldn’t subsequently disable anyone’s social life by default.  Every one of us – deaf or not – deserves to have a life filled with fun, opportunity, social contact and choice. Lots of choice.

I hope The Deaf Lounge gets the support it deserves and I applaud its founders for taking a bold step to introduce more choice in a Capital city that is overcrowded with options for everyday punters who have no idea how lucky they are.